Precast Concrete with an Integrated Liner Provides Long-term Corrosion Protection.
Perfect Pipe and Perfect Lined Manholes offer cutting-edge corrosion resistance for municipal sewer infrastructure. An integrated liner provides 100% coverage and creates a tight seal and a smooth laminar flow for long-lasting performance in sanitary sewer and wastewater environments.
Both Perfect Pipe and Perfect Lined Manhole Systems can be used in conjunction with almost any existing system and the innovative joint design enables connection without field welds in most sizes. This translates to rapid installation and long-term savings.
Perfect Pipe
MoreThe concrete-HDPE composite lined pipe is designed with a 100+ year design life, requires little maintenance, and provides long-term savings. Installation is quick and pain-free with no field welds in most sizes. In the last 5 years, 33,722 linear feet (6.4 miles) of Perfect Pipe has been successfully installed across North America.
Perfect Lined Manhole
MoreEquipped with an integrated liner used in over two million successful installations in Europe, the Perfect Lined Manhole System is now manufactured in the United States. Compatible with any sewer system, the Perfect Lined Manhole System provides long-lasting, corrosion-free service in municipal environments.
Perfect Pipe and Perfect Lined Manholes meet traditional RCP and precast manhole specifications, with the added value of a corrosion-resistant liner cast into the concrete for a fully integrated and leak-proof product.