8 Mile Pump Station 54-Inch Force Main

Pipe Specifications:
The 8 Mile Pump Lift Station 54-inch Force Main Project upgrades a critical segment of the Evergreen Farmington Sanitary Drain Drainage District wastewater system in Oakland County, Michigan. This project includes installing 6,040 LF of 54-inch diameter engineered steel force main supplied by Northwest Pipe Company (NWP). The pipe was manufactured at our spiralweld steel plant in Parkersburg, West Virginia. It features O-ring gasketed joint connections and polyurethane coating and lining applied according to AWWA C222 standards.
Steel pipe was selected for this project by competitive bid over alternative materials including fiberglass, PVC, ductile iron, and PCCP. Commonly specified for raw and treated water transmission projects, engineered steel pipe also offers distinct advantages in sanitary sewer and grey water applications. Steel provides unmatched durability and strength, capable of maintaining high working pressures and withstanding high loads required for burial under roadways. As an engineered product, each piece is designed and manufactured to meet exacting project specifications, ensuring long-lasting and low-maintenance performance. For this sanitary sewer project, factory-applied polyurethane lining was specified to protect the pipe interior from corrosive elements present in municipal wastewater environments.
Contractor Dan’s Excavating is installing the steel pipeline via open cut along 8 Mile Road. NWP Field Service Representatives provided installation support to crews including instruction on proper unloading and storing of materials onsite and connecting pipe with gaskets to ensure a watertight seal.
In addition to constructing the new 54-inch steel force main, OCWRC is upgrading its existing 8 Mile Road Pump Sation with four new 460 HP dry pit submersible pumps that will convey wastewater through the new force main, as well as new control valves and piping, and other lift station facility improvements.
“We thank Northwest Pipe Company for its contribution of materials to the 8 Milke Pump Station 54-inch Force Main project, helping to ensure reliable services for Oakland County residents. Your assistance is making a different in our community’s well-being.”
-Evans Bantios, P.E. | Chief Engineer, OCWRC